Sunday, March 14, 2010

ALFA School Building update

Hi ALFA family,

About three years ago, we set out with an ambitious goal of raising $461,000 to complete a 27,000 sq foot school building in Bangalore, India. Little did we know that soon the world would face one of the worst economic crises of our lifetime. Through the turmoil, God has been faithful to those that serve him diligently. We have received $57,000 recently for the school building. God in his wisdom has put together a great team from Houston, Time to Build, and Hope for the Hungary. All of you have played a significant role in moving the project along. As a team, so far we have raised $393,000. We have completed two floors with about 330 students actively using the school building. I want to thank all of you personally for your involvement in making God’s vision a reality.

We are not done yet! We are about $68,000 from finishing the school building. The building contractor has started work on the third floor with the funds we have at hand. I am attaching a few pictures that Krup sent over today with the progress. When the school is complete, you will have played a significant role in providing an education for 700 students in Bangalore. More importantly, you will have enabled ALFA to minister to the students and teachers from the school as well as the extended community for generations. There is no greater mission than to bring Jesus to those that have not had the opportunity to experience Him.

I would like to challenge all of you that have been committed to the work in India to make a final push to fund the $68,000 by June. I look forward to completing the ALFA school project by June of 2010.

I would like to setup a lunch meeting to pray for the ministry. Please let me know if you can meet for lunch on April 1st at mid-town park at 11:45 a.m.